
What good is a book if it is never read? What good is music if it is never heard? What good are things if they don’t satisfy the purpose for which they are made? They just become meaningless. Thus by utilizing various materials you are actually giving them a purpose for their existence. That’s what philosophy is for me. It is to understand the meaning of various things in life including life itself. It is such a beautiful field yet an underrated one.

You would have often wondered “what is my purpose here?” or “what am I doing with my life?” what essentially you are looking for is nothing but the same thing you give to other things “meaning”. Remember that the book in the last paragraph did not give meaning to itself it was someone who used the book who gave it its meaning. Similar but a slightly enhanced principle applies to us as well. It would not be entirely possible to find purpose in our lives by ourselves alone. We would require help form others. That is why we live in a society and not as lone wolfs.

For example you may choose to be a musician by your choice alone but will you be truly satisfied with yourself if none of your music touches another’s soul? It is the other person who appreciates your music who makes you feel accomplished. That is why true marvels deserve to be appreciated and spread. It is at that moment when we help someone else understand the purpose of his life do we truly understand the beauty in this complex yet fragile system.

I am not a really spiritual person but I hope this post brings a slightest amount of thought in you that might help someone.

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